6 Digital Signage Tips for Hospitals
Oppna Digital

6 Digital Signage Tips for Hospitals

In the fast-paced world of healthcare, hospitals are continuously exploring innovative ways to improve patient experiences, enhance communication, and boost operational efficiency. Among the tools available, digital signage advertising has emerged as powerful and versatile for achieving these objectives. 

The statistics speak for themselves: According to a recent study, 83% of patients reported spending a significant amount of time interacting with hospital digital signage content. 

This not only underscores the pivotal role digital signage plays in modern healthcare settings but also highlights exactly how effective digital signage technologies can be when it comes to successful and engaging advertising.  

It’s easy to only think of digital signage messaging as merely digital billboards for various advertisers in the region, but the marketing opportunities go so far beyond that. With proper content management and digital displays equip hospitals with the tools necessary to truly connect with their patients, keeping them informed on the latest happenings while enlightening them about exciting new opportunities outside of it. 

To implement more effective healthcare marketing and branding strategies, we've compiled six essential digital signage advertising tips tailored specifically for hospitals. 

These insights will help you optimize patient engagement and satisfaction while empowering you to deliver critical information efficiently, elevating the overall healthcare experience for everyone who walks through your doors. 

1. Boost Brand Awareness 

It’s easy to overlook all the opportunities digital signage advertising presents for hospitals when it comes to spreading brand awareness. Consistent branding across digital signage builds recognition over time, making the hospital top-of-mind for patients when they need any medical care. 

Hospitals can significantly increase their brand awareness by strategically implementing digital signage throughout their facilities and incorporating hospital logos, mission statements, and success stories into all their digital displays. This not only reinforces brand identity but also fosters trust among patients and visitors, providing dynamic visuals to create a lasting impression and instill a sense of confidence in the hospital's services. 


2. Place Content Strategically  

The success of digital signage advertising in hospitals largely hinges on strategic content placement. Strategically placing content ensures that patients and visitors receive the right information at the right time, improving their overall experience. 

When planning your digital signage network, consider high-traffic areas such as waiting rooms, entrances, and corridors. This allows you to maximize exposure to essential information and promotional content. 

For instance, display wait times, health tips, and hospital services in waiting rooms while using digital directories at entrances to assist visitors in wayfinding. 

3. Implement Interactive Touchscreens 

Long gone are the days of simply putting up advertisements and crossing your fingers that the message gets across to all who pass by. To truly take patient engagement to the next level, consider incorporating interactive touchscreens into your digital signage strategy. 

Interactive touchscreens enhance the patient experience by providing an interactive platform for direct engagement with advertisements, such as scanning QR codes to learn more. These intuitive displays empower patients to access personalized health information, navigate hospital layouts, and even communicate with staff directly. 

Plus, they can also serve as self-service kiosks for patients to use themselves, with features such as self-check-ins, appointment scheduling, and educational content consumption. 

By putting control in the hands of patients, hospitals can streamline processes, reduce wait times, and bolster patient satisfaction. 

4. Provide Educational Content 

Hospitals have a unique opportunity to educate patients and visitors through digital signage, especially with the brands they choose to advertise with. Educational content not only empowers patients to take charge of their health but also positions your hospital as a trusted source of valuable information. 

It’s effective to create and curate content with relevant brands you advertise (local gyms, nutritional foods, fitness apparel companies, etc.) that inform patients about various health topics, preventive measures, and available services.

For instance, use digital screens to display nutrition tips for healthy snacks, exercise recommendations for fitness equipment, and information on managing chronic conditions for medications. With a robust content management system, you are able to deploy on-target messaging to specific areas, such as reminders for preventive care in the women’s and children’s area of your campus.

Digital Screen

5. Showcase Community Involvement 

Hospitals play a crucial role in their communities, and digital signage allows them to effectively showcase their involvement. By spotlighting community engagement efforts, hospitals can foster positive relationships with local residents, further solidifying their position as trusted healthcare providers. 

Hospitals can use digital displays to highlight their participation in community events, health fairs, and charitable initiatives, giving patients a strong impression of their brand. This not only builds goodwill but also demonstrates the hospital's commitment to the well-being of the community. 

6. Measure Advertising Impact  

A vital dynamic to refining your digital signage advertising strategy is to invest in performance analytics. By understanding what resonates with patients and visitors, hospitals can refine their content strategy and tailor it to specific audiences.

Monitoring the effectiveness of your content and displays allows you to make data-driven decisions and maximize impact, providing you with insightful analytics tools to track metrics such as content engagement, audience demographics, and display performance. 

Performance analytics also provide valuable insights for assessing the return on investment (ROI) of your digital signage network, helping justify ongoing improvements. 

Enhance Your Digital Signage Advertising With Oppna Digital! 

The bottom line is that digital signage advertising is a dynamic and indispensable tool for hospitals striving to enhance patient experiences and streamline operations.

At Oppna Digital, we help healthcare facilities with a variety of digital signage solutions, such as strategically placing displays, implementing interactive touchscreens, managing educational content, and more, so they can harness the full potential of digital signage to deliver top-notch healthcare services. 

Interested in improving your hospital’s digital signage setup? Contact Oppna Digital today to consult with our team of healthcare digital signage specialists! 

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