Digital Signage Trends You Can Expect in 2023

Digital Signage Trends You Can Expect in 2023

Digital signage software has definitely come a long way since its initial origins. Just a few decades ago, print billboards were still the norm. Fast forward to today, and digital technology can be used to turn billboards into experiences.

From its inception as holographic advertisements to its current platforms as anything from interactive wayfinding software to 3D mapping resources, digital signage continues to change the way we interact with the world around us.

And the popularity in digital signage technology only continues to rise, as the latest research indicates that the digital signage industry is projected to climb to just under $30 billion by 2024.

But while digital signage has evolved in ways that many deemed unreachable in years prior, what does the near future hold for the way we utilize new forms of digital signage technology?

Here are a few of the digital signage trends you can expect to encounter and engage with in 2023.

1. Cloud-Based Technology

For so long, updating digital signage content or performing any necessary maintenance tasks had to be performed manually, typically through flash drives, USB connection, or memory cards. But one of the most emerging trends in digital signage has been the implementation of cloud-based technology as a means to control and manage both content and maintenance.

This is a major advantage for places that need to incorporate more real-time updates or news into their digital signage displays, such as hospitals for patient check-in and health updates, or restaurants for reservation sign-ups and waiting times.

When it comes to providing your consumers, patients, or clients with live updates, cloud-based technologies will continue to dominate the way we can share and update our digital signage displays.

2. Advanced Analytics

In the old days of digital signage displays, it was extremely difficult to gauge how effective your digital signage advertisements or announcements were in relation to your clients and customers.

Now, the advancements of customer data and analytics continues to rapidly progress, and looks to become the predominant way to test and measure the success and engagement of your digital signage display in 2023.

Such advanced analytics can include:

  • Detailed consumer demographic break-downs
  • Average display usage times
  • Foot traffic numbers
  • Customer satisfaction levels and feedback
  • In-store conversion rates
  • Display attendance or usage peak-times
  • Email or social media enrollment percentages

The more businesses can track and alter their digital display signage strategies, the more effective their advertising efforts will be.

3. Interactive Digital Signage Video Walls

For years, the concept of video wall-based advertising tended to be limited to massive video screen displays that were typically reserved for more major metropolitan downtown settings.

But one trend to keep an eye out for in 2023 is the emergence of interactive digital signage video wall displays, which allow for more larger-scale marketing opportunities without having to take up a space the size of a Times Square billboard.

New innovations in interactive digital signage video wall displays are allowing companies to prominently display everything from new product line launches to bold and striking advertising campaigns, and can even be controlled by the user in regards to what types of content they want to see and experience.

These more expansive digital signage screen layouts create a more stimulating user experience, not to mention will be sure to stand out amidst a crowd of high foot traffic.

4. QR Codes

QR Codes have taken over the retail landscape in recent years, but only until now have started to truly become implemented into digital signage displays. Providing users with opportunities to utilize QR codes will only work toward boosting customer engagement levels.

Embedded QR codes encourage users to take action and utilize your company’s services, whether it’s sending them to a link or website, providing them with promotional offers, encouraging email or social media enrollment, etc.

QR codes are also perfect for monitoring the content’s ROI and maintenance for your digital signage display.

5. Digital Signage Fitting Rooms

For many clothing outlets or retailers, one of the most dated shopping experiences you can provide your customers with is the old, bland, traditional fitting room. But with the recent rise of digital signage fitting rooms, clothing retailers can help their customers see how they look in a variety of styles and fashions, without having to run all over the place trying on one piece of clothing after another!

With an interactive digital signage screen, users can see how they look in essentially your store’s entire clothing inventory, without even having to lift a finger. No more having to seek out staff to find their desired clothing item or spending hours taking up one dressing room while trying to find the perfect fit!

6. Voice & Facial Recognition Technologies

Creating more inclusive solutions for accessing and utilizing digital signage displays is always a top priority for any digital wayfinding software developers. That’s why 2023 is the year you can expect voice and facial recognition technologies to truly take over the digital signage industry.

From allowing for easier access with users living with a disability to boosting security for clients and consumers, the benefits of implementing voice and facial recognition services in digital signage displays are seemingly endless.

7. Dark Modes & Graphics

Promoting more energy-efficient ideas is certainly a priority for any business that implements digital signage into their overall operations.

That’s why one of the biggest trends heading into 2023 has been incorporating more “dark mode” design settings, utilizing darker-colored display screens with lighter text, which in turn significantly reduces energy consumption.

Dark mode designs work just like the settings on your smartphone, allowing you to reduce and darken the tone of your digital signage display in order to lower energy consumption, as well as automatically adjust to vibrant lighting or time-of-day.

This design trend is just another example of a minor feature that can have major implications on user experience and accessibility.

Custom Digital Signage Solutions from Oppna Digital 

The more dated your digital signage display looks and feels, the less compelled your clients, patients, or customers will feel to utilize them. At Oppna Digital, we specialize in providing innovative custom digital signage solutions to all of our clients from industries all across the board.

If you’re interested in experiencing the marketing advantages of digital signage for yourself, contact us today to request a demo of our services.

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