What is Digital Mapping and Why Should You Invest in it?

What is Digital Mapping and Why Should You Invest in it?

So you’ve decided to invest in digital wayfinding to enhance your customers’ experience at your retail or other facility. That’s a big commitment on your end and a significant financial investment, but it will pay dividends in the long run. But what are digital wayfinding systems, and how do they work? How do you ensure they’re constantly updated to match the changing layout in your store, mall, city, stadium, or elsewhere? While investing in wayfinding capabilities is one thing, you also need to consider investing in high-end development tools that allow you to make changes whenever they’re needed and ultimately bring your facility or city to life. With Digital Mapping, you get top-notch technological capabilities that will boost customer and employee satisfaction and help you operate at a higher level. So what is Digital Mapping, and why should you invest in it? Here, our experts at Oppna Digital will discuss.

What is Digital Mapping?

Digital Mapping is a web application that is synced with your wayfinding database to allow your customers and employees to access your 3D map from any device they may have. With digital Mapping, your business or city’s wayfinding information is synced with the app, so users get the same services and capabilities they’d get if they were using a wayfinding kiosk. This software has several capabilities that add to the users’ experience and make them stand apart from the rest. With the software’s responsive design, your users will get the same services and experiences no matter what device they have. Additionally, there are several other benefits to Digital Mapping that makes it a smart investment. We’ll discuss it more below.

Why Else Should You Invest in Digital Mapping?

When you come to Oppna Digital for your digital wayfinding systems and solutions, you’ll find a team that’s been in the business for years. With our experience and custom solutions, you will find whatever you need to improve your business. Once you have wayfinding solutions, you can enhance those systems with Digital Mapping. With this state-of-the-art app, you get the following capabilities for your customers, which include:


●        Turn-by-turn directions synced to your location

●        Ability to find ADA accessible routes

●        The map can be integrated with your website, mobile app and other software

●        Multi-language capabilities

●        Allows you to advertise and promote on the app to bring in more traffic

●        And more


Each of these features goes a long way toward helping you create a more immersive and effective business. To learn more about integrating your Oppna Digital services with Digital Mapping, contact us today.

Contact Oppna Digital Today

If you’re looking for the best navigation software available for your retail venue, contact Oppna Digital today. For years, we have provided state-of-the-art solutions for customers everywhere. We’re committed to excellence and constant innovation and know we can get you the solutions you need. To learn more or request a demo, give us a call at 651-237-5677 or message us on our contact page today.

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