Colleges & Universities

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Wayfinding Solutions for Universities & Colleges

Navigating a campus can be intimidating for students, visitors, and staff alike. By offering digital wayfinding solutions, you can make getting around the grounds easier and communicate information campus-wide in an attention-grabbing way. Integrating Oppna wayfinding to your existing mobile app, students can easily get directions to their next class, locate their professor’s office, or navigate to dining. Oppna can manage multiple wayfinding profiles to allow faculty to have expanded access, as well as a web app for visitors to access interactive wayfinding by scanning a QR code.

Campus Wayfinding Solutions Customized for Your Campus

A smart campus begins with smart technology! Campus wayfinding solutions will be sure to transform into a powerful and dynamic environment, all made possible with Oppna Digital’s mapping and location platform.

Here are a few of the primary advantages of our campus wayfinding services. Contact us today to schedule a demo with our team!

  • Boost confidence for new and prospective students by offering user-friendly interactive wayfinding
  • Searches include by room, by staff/faculty, by event and open search
  • Promote events and furnish navigation
  • Incorporate new revenue stream possibilities
Smart Search Function

With interactive wayfinding, students, visitors, and staff alike can find classes, offices, meeting rooms, restrooms, food and beverage locations, parking information, and other public workspaces in seconds!

Cater to Your Mobile Audience

By incorporating interactive campus maps to your mobile app, you will satisfy the needs of the student population, with the capability to make the same functionality accessible to visitors via a simple QR code scan.

Seamless Software Integration

Our digital wayfinding solutions can easily integrate with your existing software, allowing university staff the ability to keep multiple systems updated using only one solution.

Promote Events & Opportunities

Our digital signage solutions are perfect for providing opportunities to promote dining and entertainment options, as well as any upcoming events your school is trying to highlight.

All-In-One Digital Experience

Give your campus the full-on digital experience by integrating your wayfinding solutions with digital signage, video walls, or even overhead signage. You can even engage visitors or students at all touch-points using omni-channel solutions, such as integrating wayfinding solutions into existing websites and/or an existing mobile app.

Dynamic Mapping Options

Our interactive system is the perfect way to display the entire campus layout. Users can interact with the content by tapping their destinations for instant directions. Language options can be made available. Once a destination has been selected, an animated map and clear instructions guide the way. All directions are based on the shortest possible route and include options for ADA accessible paths.

Real-Time Communication

Campus wayfinding solutions can double as communication systems, which is very useful in the event of an emergency or when a special announcement needs to be transmitted to students, faculty, and visitors. It’s an efficient way to project an alert or announcement across the entire campus.

Increased Revenue Opportunities

Incorporating digital advertising into your indoor or outdoor kiosk-based wayfinding solution provides new revenue-generating opportunities. Students, faculty, and visitors alike will appreciate convenient access to what’s going on throughout the campus, such as cafeteria menus, upcoming events, and on-campus promotions.

Indoor & Outdoor Wayfinding Kiosks

Our university wayfinding kiosks provide ample brightness for clear visibility in both indoor and outdoor applications. Outdoor enclosures are designed with protection features against dust, dirt, water, and extreme temperatures.

Differentiate the On Campus Experience

Oppna Digital campus wayfinding solutions are easy to use and can accommodate all users. Best news: this is an easy ‘tech win’ to get - go live in 10-14 weeks.

Contact us online today for more details, or call us at 651.237.5677 to schedule a consultation!

Oppna’s Impact on Digital Experiences

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Picture this: It's the first day of classes at your university. You're armed with a backpack full of textbooks, a map of campus in hand, and a head full of nerves as you navigate the maze of buildings and pathways to find your classroom. 
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