5 Ways Digital Wayfinding Can Improve Employee Synergy

5 Ways Digital Wayfinding Can Improve Employee Synergy

It’s nearly impossible to count all the ways that digital technology has evolved the communication within the commercial world. From instantly conveying important information to making intricate data more accessible than ever before, employees of essentially all industries can thank the technological revolution for a variety of advancements engineered to enhance synergy.

Digital wayfinding software is a prime example of how the implementation of detailed technology systems have improved workplace coordination and productivity. While most people assume digital wayfinding strategies are primarily intended to strengthen consumer experiences, the fact is that effective wayfinding design and displays are essential components of maximizing the potential of communication and performance of workers in all industries, from healthcare to hospitality.

Here’s a look into five ways that exemplify how digital wayfinding software can do wonders for improving employee synergy.

Improved Navigation

Whether you work out a sprawling college campus or a massive museum, the clear cut advantage digital wayfinding can provide for both employees and customers alike is refined navigation.

Rather than wasting time searching for various rooms or sections of a building, providing employees with the ability to map out and locate their way around their workplace environment will allow them to establish familiarity with their surroundings quicker, as well as reduce time spent getting lost or seeking out other coworkers for navigational assistance.

Advanced Safety

When a worst case scenario presents itself within the workplace, it can be quite difficult keeping employees calm and coordinated during such stressful scenarios.

Digital wayfinding makes safety and security of colleagues easier and more accessible in a variety of ways, including:

●        Detailed mapping of fire escape or storm shelter routes

●        Provide instant updates on emergencies ranging from weather reports to security breaches

●        Remind and enforce rules or policies regarding evacuation procedures

●        Issue immediate communicative connections to emergency services

Enhanced Productivity

While it’s part of any employee’s job to help customers, patients, or clients out in any way they possibly can, the fact remains that the more accessible information you can provide visitors, the less they’ll be bothering workers.

Strategic placement of digital wayfinding displays can enhance employee productivity through answering questions and providing information for customers and patrons, so employees can remain focused on their own tasks at hand.

You’ll be surprised at how much more time employees will have to stay busy when you eliminate the amount of times they’re interrupted for directions or assistance on a daily basis!

Staying Up-to-Date

With so many chores, projects, and clients to deal with, it can prove to be quite difficult to keep staff informed on any urgent updates or other forms of relevant and pressing information. Having a few digital wayfinding displays located in heavy traffic areas for employees can provide them with a visual opportunity to learn the latest happenings and news taking place at work, so they can verbally spread the word of any vital updates.

Whether it’s a new date of the holiday office party or a warning that a parking ramp is closed due to maintenance, keeping your employees informed via digital wayfinding displays will help them stay more aware of any information updates.

Multi-Language Support

If your staff features an eclectic group of workers that speak varying languages, digital wayfinding signage can prove beneficial to articulating any news or updates in a variety of languages.

You can cater the content of your digital wayfinding stations to display text in whatever languages are relevant to your staff, allowing for everybody to stay informed on any essential information.

Custom Digital Wayfinding Solutions for Your Business

From enhanced employee synergy to improved customer experience, the commercial advantages digital wayfinding software can provide your business are vast and immediate.

When you need custom digital wayfinding solutions to improve your workplace environment, Oppna Digital has the specialized options for design, content, and installation that quickly upgrade working environments of all shapes and sizes!

Contact us today to request a demo of our services, or give us a call at 651-237-5677 to learn more about whether digital wayfinding is the right move for your company.    

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