Discover the ROI of Digital Wayfinding in Hospitals
Oppna Digital

Discover the ROI of Digital Wayfinding in Hospitals

As we venture further into the Post-COVID era of healthcare, hospitals around the world are reassessing their budgets to ensure that they’re maximizing their investment on all resources. One specific example of such resources has been the emergence of digital wayfinding systems in recent years, a revelation that’s allowed patients to navigate themselves around facilities and answer many questions or concerns, without having to bother or distract hospital staff.

While digital wayfinding has certainly changed the way patients adapt to the environments of their healthcare providers, it can be difficult to envision just how fulfilling investing in such technology really is. But thanks to various maintenance and support analytics and tracking measures, determining your ROI on digital wayfinding has never been easier.

Let’s take a look at a few of the ways your hospital can accurately assess the ROI of your healthcare wayfinding system.

Lost Patients Equal Lost Revenue

Any hospital staff worker will tell you how often they need to point patients and visitors in the right direction. While this might seem like a temporary inconvenience, the fact of the matter is year after year, lost patients equate to significant amounts of lost revenue and wasted time.

Take a look at all the ways inefficient wayfinding design and strategies impact healthcare facilities:

●        Missed or late appointments cost the U.S. healthcare system $150 billion annually

●        Wayfinding issues or complications can cost a hospital upwards of $220,000 a year

●        Staff members spend an average of 40 hours a year giving directions to patients

●        25% of staff members cannot find some destinations within their own healthcare facility or campus

●        93% of healthcare professionals believe healthcare mobile app development can improve patient experience and wayfinding strategies

To put it simply, not having effective digital wayfinding systems throughout your hospital or healthcare campus can add up to significant, unexpected annual costs.

Wayfinding Metrics Equal ROI Insight

When it comes down to efficiently tracking your ROI on digital wayfinding software, tracking and adjusting to insightful analytics and metrics provides keen insight for healthcare organizations to see exactly how their wayfinding systems are being utilized. Some of these helpful digital wayfinding metrics include:

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Dwell time, guest inquiries, email captures, patient satisfaction scores; all of these metrics are known as Key Performance Indicators, and serve as a window into how patients are specifically utilizing your digital wayfinding services.

Assessing these analytics also provide you insight into how satisfied your patients are when they use such wayfinding applications, such as digital signage displays or interactive kiosk stations.

Mobile Application Integration

Offering patients the chance to download your hospital’s mobile app also allows you to see which specific features of your app are proving to be most useful for users.

From mapping capabilities to FAQ screens, mobile app development and the analytics they provide are essential for tracking metrics specific to your patients’ needs.

Session Length and Dwell Time

The amount of time your patients are spending on your digital wayfinding services also informs you as to what areas of your wayfinding investment are proving to be most successful.

It’s also a good way to determine which specific locations your digital wayfinding kiosks are stationed in are receiving the most foot traffic and user engagement.

Assess Your Digital Wayfinding ROI With Oppna Digital

Having a wide variety of useful analytics at your fingertips grants you unprecedented access to viewing which wayfinding strategies you’re implementing are successful, and which could use some improvement.

At Oppna Digital, we work directly with our healthcare clients to ensure that every dollar they spend on digital wayfinding is being stretched out to the fullest. Contact us today to learn more about all of our digital wayfinding solutions.

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