6 Innovative Ways to Use Digital Wayfinding Software In Corporate Campuses

6 Innovative Ways to Use Digital Wayfinding Software In Corporate Campuses

Smart workplaces hinge on smart technology, which is why digital wayfinding technology is increasingly surfacing as a valuable tool in corporate campuses worldwide. Though the technology centers around facility navigation, it offers far more than interactive mapping—it plays a central role in supporting daily workplace operations through a wide variety of features. Our Oppna Digital team explains a few of the technology’s many innovative uses below.

#1: Office Hoteling

Hot desking, also known as hoteling, has become an increasingly common practice in the modern, flexible workplace. But, without a reliable tool to update the occupancy status of desks and offices, employees have no way of knowing whether their preferred space is occupied by another user. 

With office wayfinding, employees and facility visitors can book meeting rooms, desks, and offices either on the premises or at home using a mobile app. Building users waste less time trying to locate available space, which directly contributes to increased efficiency and productivity.

#2: Smart Parking

After a stressful commute, a jam-packed corporate parking lot doesn’t exactly put employees in the mood to do their best work. And, in the event all sensible spots are taken, a frantic rush from the farthest corner of the lot doesn’t make the situation any better. But what if there’s a better way to organize office parking? One that’s accessible from anywhere and provides real-time updates?

Digital wayfinding technology offers large corporate campuses a unique opportunity to develop smarter parking by implementing user reservations. Both employees and visitors can view and reserve parking spaces near the areas of the building they frequent most. And, once they arrive inside, the system can send real-time, mobile device directions to any destination within the building.

#3: Real-Time Navigation

Point-to-point navigation throughout a corporate campus is certainly useful, but in some cases, following the normal route is far from efficient. What if an elevator breaks down? What if there’s a security concern? What if a repair team is working in the area, and the route is temporarily closed?

Digital wayfinding technology goes beyond point-to-point navigation by providing real-time route updates. By integrating the system with various technologies, campuses can ensure employees and visitors locate the fastest, most direct routes to their intended destinations.

If an elevator breaks down, the system can route users to the nearest staircase. If there’s a safety hazard along the route, users receive real-time updates and directions, which allow them to navigate to safety. Change happens, but digital wayfinding allows building users to navigate it with ease.

#4: Sharing On-Site Locations

Schedule colleague conversations and meetings with ease! Digital wayfinding software allows facility users to share location info to the system, so they easily connect with colleagues and share information. Users simply opt-in to location sharing, accept a connection, and can view that person’s location inside the building in a matter of milliseconds. And to get there? Users simply set their mobile device to receive text-to-phone directions straight from the software. Convenient, right?

#5: Communicating News & Events

Because digital wayfinding software is technology agnostic, it’s fully integrable with a variety of software platforms, mobile applications, and web applications. As such, corporate campuses can use the technology to distribute important information company wide.

Employees can receive a mobile notification about an upcoming event, a reminder notification as the event draws closer, and finally, text-to-phone directions to the designated location. As well, campuses can implement proximity messaging to notify employees of meetings or events occurring near their physical location.

#6: Analytics & Utilization

Make educated decisions about the space being occupied to determine what needs to be changed, improved or expanded using actual data. Information about the space utilization and occupancy rates for buildings, by floor and department.

Curious About Corporate Wayfinding? Contact Oppna Digital Today

At Oppna Digital, we help facility owners and managers enhance business operations via fully customized digital wayfinding solutions. As an end-to-end provider, we specialize in a variety of services, including software development, hardware procurement, app development, content design, and much more.

To learn more about how we help you enhance your business using the latest in digital wayfinding technology, give our team a call at 651-237-5677 or reach out to us on our contact page. Ready to see our solutions in action? Feel free to request your product demo today!

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