Digital Wayfinding: A Powerful Omnichannel Marketing Tool for Your Business
Oppna Digital

Digital Wayfinding: A Powerful Omnichannel Marketing Tool for Your Business

In today’s super crowded marketing landscape, your brand needs a distinct edge if you want your target audience to see and engage with it. Omnichannel marketing may be the edge you’re looking for—and at Oppna Digital, our custom wayfinding solution and content management system makes delivering omnichannel customer experiences easier and more seamless than ever. If you’ve been brainstorming ways to keep your messaging consistent while managing content across multiple platforms and locations, digital wayfinding could be the answer to your conundrum.

Where Is Your Audience Most Likely to Engage With Your Content?

Are you marketing to your audience on the appropriate platforms? Your brand’s audience could be anywhere these days, and with digital wayfinding, you can reach them right where they’re at—no matter where that may be.

If you’re marketing to millennials or Gen Zers, it’s pretty safe to assume social media is where your audience hangs out; if you’re marketing to the baby boomer crowd, email is probably a safe bet. But, even if those assumptions are accurate, how can you be absolutely certain you’re selecting the appropriate channel? And if you choose the wrong one, which segments of your audience will you alienate?

With the ever-growing trend toward tech-driven communication—even for older generations—it can be difficult to gauge which platforms (channels) your audience prefers, and more importantly, which ones will garner the best response. Communicating to guests in their preferred communication channel creates loyalty and stickiness. Oppna Digital’s Wayfinding Plus platform does exactly that; communicates in all customer touchpoints.

Choosing Your Channel

Because so many channels available—social media, email, search engines, mobile apps, push notifications, chatbots, contact forms, etc.—choosing the “right” one can feel overwhelming. But here’s the good news: You don’t have to choose just one! You get to choose ALL of them.


Digital wayfinding offers your audience (customers) an omnichannel experience, meaning they can access your brand on any of the channels they prefer. And when you market using an omnichannel approach, you open up a world of possibility for your brand. You have an incredible opportunity to build trust with your customers through consistent messaging, and you can tailor your promotions based on your audience’s activity.

Whether you’re sending a quick promo notification to an on-the-go mobile user, or you’re extending push notifications for exclusive social media promos, your audience will appreciate you operating on their level. People want to feel catered to—so cater to them. Digital wayfinding makes it possible.

Omnichannel Content Updates & Insightful Analytics

When brands give their customers an omnichannel experience—not to be confused with a multi-channel experience—they align their content, objectives, goals, and design across all platforms and devices. By adopting this marketing and service approach, those brands are able to deliver a more consistent, impactful brand message to their audiences. But, to effectively pull off the omnichannel experience, brands must format and integrate their content so it’s readily available on a variety of platforms.

Content Management

So how do you manage the messaging and content to ensure each channel has the same message? This is where EID can help by delivering one of three options. A custom, integrated CMS that EID delivers to manage brand content is available yet not always the preferred choice. Many brands have existing CMS that would prefer to add wayfinding and digital signage without creating yet another CMS to manage. This is an option for all EID customers. The third CMS is a hybrid-CMS that allows some content to be managed in the existing CSM and some content to be managed in the Wayfinding Plus CMS. Which one is right for your brand, and how does this align with overall brand strategy and execution is part of the EID difference. Let’s talk to define which is right for you and your brand.

At Oppna Digital, we’ve designed a completely custom content management system that makes updating omnichannel messaging easier than ever. Whether you’re pushing out on-site promos via your digital wayfinding kiosk, updating website content, or even sending push notifications via messenger, you can do it all from one fully contained, convenient platform. Even better, the system tracks any analytics that you specify, so you’ll have the data and insights necessary to help you design and launch future campaigns and promos, plus any other content you dream up!

Ready to Enhance Your Business With Digital Content? Contact Oppna Digital Today

If you’re ready to explore the tremendous opportunity that interactive wayfinding and digital content present for your business, it’s time to get in touch with our team at Oppna Digital. As an end-to-end, omnichannel digital wayfinding solutions provider, we specialize in software development, system design, app development, content development, hardware procurement, and ongoing maintenance. When you partner with us, we not only create a completely custom solution for your business, but we also organize and manage each component of your solution, so you’ll never be left wondering who to contact for assistance.

To learn more about how our digital solutions can enhance your business and engage your customers, give our team a call at 651-237-5677. Or, if you’re ready to see what our digital solutions can do, feel free to request your demo today!

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