Stop Visitors and Patients From Getting Lost in Hospitals

Stop Visitors and Patients From Getting Lost in Hospitals

If you have a loved one in the hospital or you’re entering the hospital for your own health, it’s important you find your way around the facility easily, so you don’t waste time getting lost or stopping several times for directions. Not only will wayfinding integration improve you and your patient and guests’ navigation experience, but it will also improve satisfaction levels and reviews for your hospital, and integrate nearly every aspect of your operation. But how do you improve how visitors’ and patients' navigation experience when it’s constantly changing and guidelines are constantly being changed? At Oppna Digital, we’re here to help you solve this problem.

Integrate Wayfinding, Customized Search, and Mapping

In recent years, technology has taken over, and more and more industries are taking advantage of the available resources. Instead of relying on old static navigation guides and directories, we offer digital wayfinding systems that are easy-to-use and can be updated easily to adhere to new rules and guidelines. When your guests are coming to the hospital to visit their loved one, or are entering the hospital themselves for treatment, they want to be able to use these systems quickly and get where they need to go.

With our wayfinding systems, your patients and visitors can use touchscreen kiosks to get step-by-step directions. Additionally, the directions can be sent directly to the individual’s phone, so they receive direct instructions, instead of continually stopping at other kiosks or asking hospital staff for directions. Many healthcare centers are also adding mobile apps to all wayfinding platforms and additional features to natice mobile apps that are customized by Oppna Digital.

Additionally, our integrated, customized search options allow each patient and visitor to search for the exact room, nurse’s station, hospital wing, or doctor they’re looking for. With customized search features, your visitors and guests are less likely to get lost and will have a better experience at your healthcare facility. Contact Oppna Digital today to learn more.

Additional Features

In addition to creating custom wayfinding systems for your hospital or another healthcare facility, we can also create a master system that allows you and select employees to quickly make changes to your navigation system. This is especially useful if there are events being held or construction work going on, so people know to avoid the area and take a different route. We can also create a customized system, so your patients can remotely schedule and check-in for their appointments, as well as check wait times and explore nearby events and meetings. Video walls that display wayfinding directions can also be implemented. These can be taken over with emergency alerts, key messaging and service updates. To learn more, request a demo today.

Contact Oppna Digital Today

If you’re looking for state-of-the-art technology to help visitors find their way in your hospital or healthcare facility, contact Oppna Digital today. We have been helping customers across various industries for years. To learn more or request a demo today, give us a call at 651-237-5677 or message us on our contact page today.

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