Benefits of Implementing Blue-Dot Navigation in Large-Scale Facilities

Benefits of Implementing Blue-Dot Navigation in Large-Scale Facilities

Most people are familiar with smartphone navigation apps that feature a little blue dot that clearly guides users toward their destinations — blue-dot navigation. But this super simple, easy-to-understand navigational system isn’t limited to outdoor navigational apps like Google Maps, Apple Maps, and Waze. Rather, blue-dot navigation can be implemented indoors, too, via interactive digital wayfinding technology.

Below, the experts at Oppna Digital share a few of the many benefits that large-scale facilities stand to enjoy with indoor blue-dot navigation via digital wayfinding kiosks.

Minimize Overcrowding

As commercial facilities continue to grapple with the social challenges presented by the pandemic, blue-dot navigation offers an amazingly simple solution for controlling crowds. In areas that are historically prone to heavy foot traffic and congestion — like traditional static wayfinding directories — blue-dot navigation offers a safe alternative.

With blue-dot, guests can receive turn-by-turn navigation throughout a facility delivered directly to their smartphones. Since visitors and customers don’t need to congregate in a single area to find directions throughout the facility, blue-dot can effectively reduce the risk of overcrowding during the pandemic.

Reduce Confusion and Improve the Guest Experience

It’s exceedingly easy for guests to feel confused and overwhelmed when trying to navigate large-scale facilities. Traditional static wayfinding signage can certainly provide directions, but it’s not the most effective or easy-to-understand method of delivering them. This is especially true for guests with language barriers. Blue-dot navigation provides a highly effective solution.

With turn-by-turn directions throughout a facility, guests can easily understand exactly how to reach their desired location via the most efficient route. Since this type of technology caters directly to guest needs and provides a more efficient, enjoyable navigation experience, blue-dot can directly increase guest satisfaction inside multiple types of large-scale facilities.

Support Social Distancing Standards

Maintaining social distancing standards in any facility is key to providing a safe environment for guests and staff. Making a diligent attempt to uphold those standards also helps builds trust and rapport with guests, something any business can benefit from.

Blue-dot navigation provided via interactive digital wayfinding kiosks allows guests to get where they need to go without coming into close contact with other individuals. It provides an effective way for facilities to help guests stay safe and communicates a commitment to public health and safety.

Curious About How Digital Wayfinding Can Enhance Your Facility? Contact Oppna Digital

If you’re looking for ways to improve guest safety in your facility, interactive digital wayfinding can provide an effective solution. At Oppna Digital we provide end-to-end digital wayfinding solutions, including custom wayfinding software, hardware management, content management, implementation, and ongoing maintenance and support. We understand going digital is a major investment and it’s our goal to ensure you get the ROI you’re looking for.

To learn more about our services, feel free to give us a call today at 651-237-5677 or contact us online. Ready to see what our systems can do? Request a demo!

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