Driving Additional ROI from your Digital Wayfinding Solution
Oppna Digital

Driving Additional ROI from your Digital Wayfinding Solution

When implementing a digital wayfinding solution, there are some initial, obvious benefits. For example, you can likely gain some high-level insight into what people are searching for, and how long it’s taking them to find and map their route, determined by their time spent interacting with your wayfinding interface. However, there are also ways to leverage the foundational technology infrastructure that powers your wayfinding solution to gather deeper insight and generate additional ROI across your entire organization.


Unlock Spatial Business Intelligence


Understanding how people move around and interact with your venue is invaluable information for organizations with large physical spaces. Identifying congregation sites and determining dwell times in various parts of your buildings can indicate important trends that impact building security and safety, facilities management, and retail marketing initiatives. 


The key to unlocking spatial business intelligence for large, complex venues, is to leverage indoor mapping and indoor positioning systems which are required for providing blue dot wayfinding. Once these components are in place, it’s simply a matter of integrating an indoor intelligence system to process the information. As with most location-aware Internet of Things (IoT) use cases, interoperability and scalability is the primary requirement for vendors to deliver these game-changing insights.


Increase Revenue from Tenant Management


Location data, when visible in the context of a map, can provide teams that are traditionally less data-driven with unparalleled actionable insights. For instance, shopping mall tenant management teams can use this location information about the ways that customers are engaging with venues to make decisions around rent for different spaces within the venue. 


Having access to indoor location intelligence within a venue enables them to set rent levels for high-volume locations with the consumer data to validate the rates and upsell different spaces. With this indoor positioning data, accurate layer-based maps, and an integrated data system, the movement of people becomes more than a series of data points - it becomes a key revenue driver.


Empower Efficient Facilities Management


Similarly, with a robust indoor mapping platform, indoor positioning system, and a facilities management platform integration, you could also leverage your platforms’ open architectures and the power of Map Profiles to power facilities and work order management use cases in your buildings. 


Using the same foundational technologies as your wayfinding initiatives to address your building operations, you could empower your facilities management teams to work more efficiently, prioritize properly, and create an intuitive workflow that takes the element of location into account. These solutions could range from assigning tasks to the nearest team member to step-by-step navigation between work orders, optimized for urgency and proximity.


Your digital wayfinding solution can drive a lot of value in many different areas of your business, as long as your technology providers are interoperable and technology agnostic. Using location-aware technologies to optimize operations across multiple business units is integral to driving additional ROI from your wayfinding solution. From facilities management and operations to marketing initiatives and building safety, there is virtually no department that can’t be improved from having access to intuitive, actionable indoor location data with visual context.


To learn more about how indoor maps and data can help you drive additional ROI, visit www.jibestream.com


About Jibestream, an Inpixon company

Jibestream, an Inpixon company (Nasdaq: INPX), is an award-winning software company that specializes in merging the location dimension into enterprise solutions for real-time visual intelligence. The company's premier indoor mapping platform gives developers the tools to integrate business data with indoor maps to create tailored map-enabled solutions that address multiple use cases. 

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