The Evolving Office: Can Digital Signage Improve Employee Engagement?
Oppna Digital

The Evolving Office: Can Digital Signage Improve Employee Engagement?

Is your company struggling with poor employee engagement? Are your systems and procedures hindering your staff’s ability to produce their best work? At Oppna Digital, we know engaged employees do better work, and what business doesn’t want that? Better work means better outcomes, and better outcomes mean a boosted bottom line—but how do you get there?

While a wide variety of factors contribute to increasing employee engagement, communication and innovation are at the top of the list. Fortunately for you, interactive digital wayfinding offers your business both. How can going digital help you engage your employees and drive better business results? Let’s take a look. 

Enhancing Day-to-Day Employee Experience

Which would you rather have: happy, engaged employees who feel their contributions are valued, or disgruntled, disenchanted staff who don’t take pride in their work? Just as enhancing your customer experience is paramount for your business’s success, employee experience can make or break your company—after all, without your employees, could you continue doing what you do?

If your employees feel great about working for you, they produce great work. If they loathe showing up at the office every day, chances are they’re doing as little as possible just to make it through the day and escape the confines of your facility. So, how can you enhance employee experience? Easy: through communication!


It’s not necessarily feasible for leadership to physically communicate one-on-one with each staff member, but with office digital wayfinding solutions, communicating becomes painless. With digital wayfinding, companies can communicate information throughout an organization regarding important updates, company news, events, and any other information that keeps employees in-the-know.

Even a simple, well-formulated welcome message at your facility entrance can set a more positive tone for the workday. The communicatory possibilities here are nearly endless, and you can use them to transform your workplace into a more inclusive, engaging environment.

Boost Productivity With Time-Saving, Collaborative Tools

Wouldn’t it be nice if all of your employees were productive—all of the time? You already know your business feels the effects of lost productivity, but do you know just how impactful wasted time can truly be? According to Gallup, only 34% of employees are actively engaged in their work, meaning they’re committed, involved, and enthusiastic about their daily tasks.

Unfortunately, that means the remaining 66% of your staff are likely doing the minimum viable workload required to earn a steady paycheck and check out for the day. So, if 66% of your employees aren’t doing more than the bare minimum necessary to retain their jobs, what are they doing with the rest of their time on the clock? How many hours, collectively, are your disengaged employees wasting? And, more importantly, can you reduce that number?

The short answer? It depends on what you’re willing to change. Today’s corporate workforce is increasingly millennial, and by 2025, experts estimate millennials will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce. Not far behind is Gen Z, which experts estimate will comprise 36 percent of the global workforce in 2020—and that number will only grow. What do these generations have in common, and how can you use it to your company’s advantage?

Tech literacy.

They love tech, they rely on it, they’ve grown up with it, and they expect it to play a central role in their workplace’s day-to-day operations. At Oppna Digital, our omnichannel digital wayfinding solutions help you capitalize on that commonality, which, ultimately, translates to better results for your business. Here’s how:

●        Finding an open desk. For millennials and Gen Zers, agile workspaces are preferable. Hot desking, also known as hoteling, has grown in popularity, but finding an open space to work can waste substantial time. Implementing digital wayfinding kiosks allows employees to quickly locate free spaces and update occupancy status in real time. Simply pull up the map (on the kiosk or through the mobile app), find a vacant desk, claim it, and the system updates. Less confusion, less wasted time, more productivity. Win-win-win.

●        Improve collaboration. According to one Cornell study, businesses that allow flexibility in where and how their employees work experience four times faster growth than more rigid, traditional companies. But what happens when those employees must communicate on collaborative projects? How do they find their team? Again, digital wayfinding.

●        Eliminate time-sucking emails. No one loves a never-ending stream of work-related emails, and for your business, incessant email tennis can be a silent productivity killer. Implementing interactive digital signage can help you streamline communications by offering uncomplicated, company-wide dissemination of important updates and information that typically land in an already overstuffed inbox. Eliminating over-reliance on email correspondence frees up employee time, allowing for increased face-to-face collaboration and engagement among teams. 


Enhance Your Office With Digital Wayfinding from Oppna Digital

At Oppna Digital, we design innovative digital wayfinding solutions for large-scale facilities in a wide variety of industries. As an end-to-end solutions provider, we take care of it all: Wayfinding software design, hardware procurement, content management, and app development are just a few of the specialties we utilize to help you transform your business.


Whether you’re looking to improve employee engagement or optimize your facility navigation, our comprehensive digital wayfinding solutions will help you get where you need to go. To learn more about how we can help you enhance your business, contact our team, or reach out to us to request your demo. In the meantime, check out our satisfied clients!

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