Touchless Solutions During COVID-19

Touchless Solutions During COVID-19

Like many forward-thinking businesses, the chances are high that you’re visiting this blog because you’re looking for ways to keep your customers safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. The foot traffic at your venue has probably been significantly down since March, and when there are customers there, they’re socially distancing and being careful about what they touch and interact with. This includes any device or systems customers have to touch. This includes wayfinding systems, being one of the most popular aspects of any large venue, due to their ease of use, integration with other technologies, and more. They still involve direct contact, which is a major concern for many right now. Investing in a touchless platform will help your customers feel safe, and it’s easy to use. Here, our technology experts at Oppna Digital will discuss touchless interfaces and help you determine if they are a good choice for your business.

What is a Touchless Interface?

Touchless interfaces allow customers and employees to interact with your digital wayfinding systems safely without taking away from the experience of using a wayfinding system. Many businesses have been searching for the last few months to find a way to keep customers safe and ease their minds while still providing good customer experience. Some have gone to a system of limited interaction with these systems, while others have kept going full steam ahead and have a dedicated staff in place to monitor these kiosks and thoroughly clean them after each use. However, a touchless interface can be integrated with your current system and enhanced to improve user experience.

What Do Touchless Interfaces Look Like?

With touchless interfaces, your customers will be more comfortable and have a positive experience. While self-service kiosks are designed to provide your customers with personalized experience and limit their interaction with others, most customers do not want to touch a  surface. However, when you use touchless interfaces, you eliminate that risk. So, what do these interfaces look like? Some include:

●        Voice controlled platform- similar in functionality to ‘Siri’ or ‘Hey Google’

●        Scan a QR Code that puts wayfinding platform onto customer smart device

●        Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) solutions

●        AI Technology that mirrors gestures, which prevents customers from touching kiosks

●        And more

In recent months, QR codes have exploded in popularity because they don’t drastically change how the customer interacts with your wayfinding kiosk; it just eliminates the need for touching the kiosk and using the code on your customers’ smart devices. Contact us to learn more.

Contact Oppna Digital Today

If you’re looking for unique ways to enhance your business and keep your customers safe during Covid, contact Oppna Digital today. We take pride in providing each of our customers with unique solutions that suit them. To learn more or request a free demo, give us a call at 651-237-5677 or message us on our contact page today.

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