Post-Pandemic Retail: How Digital Wayfinding Delivers Safety & Convenience

Post-Pandemic Retail: How Digital Wayfinding Delivers Safety & Convenience

As retail establishments across the United States gradually reopen, concerns about safety and sanitation are at the forefront of consumers’ minds — and as a business owner, can you blame them? At Oppna Digital, we deeply understand those concerns. However, we also know that implementing digital wayfinding solutions can help strengthen safety, sanitation, and ease of access for your customers. Below, we’ve outlined how this truly unique technology can encourage consumer confidence in your business and drive an increase in revenue.

Engage Shoppers Before, During, and After Their Visit

Digital wayfinding solutions simplify the guest experience by providing valuable information before, during, and after the shopping experience. In large facilities where navigation can often present a challenge, digital mapping offers an effective, convenient solution. By interacting with a digital wayfinding kiosk, customers can:


●        Get turn-by-turn directions throughout a facility, sent directly to their mobile devices. Guests can also use the kiosk to locate products in specific areas throughout a store.

●        Receive brand promotions throughout their guest journey, which enhances the shopping experience and in most cases, spurs additional purchases.

●        Receive brand communication and promotions on the digital channel of their choice even when they’re not in the facility or actively shopping. Communication can be delivered via mobile apps, premise-based kiosks, video walls, messenger, email, and websites.

●        Safely engage with on-site hardware with a variety of solution options including:

○        Antimicrobial film applied to touch screens so users can get their information safely.

○        Express-Voice: Voice controlled touchless kiosks implemented in new or existing kiosk platforms.

○        Express-Command: Scan a QR code or short code to move the Wayfinding-Plus kiosk functionality onto a smartphone.

Display a Wealth of Product Information

Retail establishments can use digital wayfinding kiosks to deliver product availability information to consumers. The technology can be integrated with existing inventory management systems to alert shoppers to declining product availability, which improves the customer experience. Customers can also search for individual product SKUs through the system and receive turn-by-turn directions to the rack, shelf, aisle, or bin that houses their desired products.

Deliver Consistent, Accessible Brand Messaging

Digital wayfinding technology allows any business to deploy targeted brand messaging on a variety of digital channels. Because the most successful brands employ consistent, customer-centric messaging to establish strong connections with their audience, this unique feature offers businesses an opportunity to increase brand loyalty and consequently, revenue.

Digital advertising can be integrated on wayfinding kiosks, as well as in mobile apps, and in-store messaging integrates seamlessly with ad platforms. Because in-store advertising is a powerful method of keeping customers engaged throughout their shopping experiences, any brand can benefit from this unique technology.

Ready to Discuss How Digital Wayfinding Can Enhance Your Business?

If you’re ready to deliver unmatched convenience to your customers while increasing brand loyalty, our team at Oppna Digital is ready to help you do it. To learn more about our end-to-end digital wayfinding solutions or schedule a demo, give us a call today at 651-237-5677 or send us a message via our contact form, and we’ll be in touch.

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